Out Dancing Hamilton

This website is obviously under construction. For now please follow Instagram account @outdancinghamilton.

Both the Instagram account and (coming soon) this site post events in Hamilton, Ontario where you can go out dancing, both solo and partner dance events. Dance-oriented events only, e.g. not "a band is playing and you can dance if you want to" – so mostly DJ events, and actual dancing, not "vibing". Inclusive events only, e.g. nothing with a "style code in effect".

Event organizers: If you have an inclusive event in Hamilton where people will go to dance, and would like it to be publicized here (no charge!), please send event info to info@outdancinghamilton.com. Be sure to include all essential info such as date, start and end times, location, music genre(s), age restrictions (e.g. 19+), and cost, plus an image that would be suitable for an Instagram post. If the event is a somewhat specialized one at which some people would feel uncomfortable despite being welcome (e.g. queer events, or events that include sexual elements), that's fine as long as the nature of the event is made clear so that such people can make an informed decision about whether to go. And if you wouldn't want the maintainer of this site, who's an old straight cis man who's happy to go to all kinds of dance events, to be there, then you wouldn't want this site to publicize your event, because there's a good chance that he'll be there!

This website is created and maintained by Rohan Jayasekera, who likes to go out dancing in Hamilton as covered by CBC News.